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 | Hammarlund SP-600 JX 26 Communications Receiver | SP-600 JX 26 Communications Receiver. This is my favorite shortwave receiver. I love listening to this radio in the evenings. It came out in the 1953 and was used by the FBI, the CIA, and the military. This is a big radio, both in size and weight. The set weighs 65 pounds, but after it was crated and packed for shipping, its official weight from the factory was a 220 pounds.
Most of the SP-600s that turn up used need some restoration, if they haven't been worked on already and that was certainly true of this one. I had to replace the electrolytic capacitors and 55 Black Beauties of Death. Black Beauties are capacitors that are uniformly bad. The majority of mine were split open. Replacing them required unsoldering whole sections of the chassis to get to some of the caps.