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Western Electric CW-926A Radio Amplifier, 1917
The Western Electric CW-926A amplifier, 1917
The CW-936 Radio Telephone System was developed for the navy by Western Electric as the USA was entering WWI. It allowed operators to speak to each other rather than using telegraph code. The CW-936 radio transmitting and receiving system is generally thought to be the first commercially produced radio telephone and telegraph transmitter.
A CW-936 included eight major components, plus headphones and a push-button handle device for the extension box. The CW-938 transmitter/receiver is the largest component weighing almost 60 pounds. I am seeking one of these if anyone knows where one is please let me know.
The other major piece of the radio system is the CW-926A amplifier. This audio amplifier measures 20" x 11" x 7" and weighs about 30 pounds. Either three VT-1 tubes were used or by changing a switch a VT-2 can be used to replace the final VT-1 tube in the output stage. It uses two Western Electric 202A input transformers and one Western Electric 102-A output transformer.
The CW-936 Radio Telephone System was made to work on five different frequencies within the 500-1.500 kHz band. The frequency was changed by simply using a switch which put in place different fixed values of inductance and capacity. The CW-936 Radio Telephone System reliably only could transmit about five miles with its five watts of power.

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