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.Abbreviated History Timeline of Wireless Radio Communication | History Timeline of Wireless Radio Click Here
|  | A.W. Bowman Loose Coupler for Radio Reception | A.W. Bowman Loose Coupler for Radio Reception
|  | Adams Morgan and A.W. Bowman Sears Crystal Radio Detectors | Adams Morgan, A.W. Bowman (Sears), and Unknown Crystal Radio Detectors
|  | Adams Morgan Crystal Radio | Adams Morgan AM Crystal Radio
|  | Amrad or Radio and Research Quenched Spark Gap | Amrad or Radio and Research Quenched Spark Gap
|  | Baird & Tatlock Induction Coil | Baird & Tatlock 3 inch Induction Coil
|  | Clapp-Eastham 1 Kilowatt Radio Transmitter | This full kilowatt spark transmitter made by Clapp-Eastham is from 1914.
|  | Clapp-Eastham Blitzen Radio Crystal Receiver | Clapp-Eastham Blitzen Radio Receiver from 1912
|  | Clapp-Eastham Blitzen Variometer and Radio Detector | Clapp-Eastham variometer and detector.
|  | Clapp-Eastham Crystal Radio | Crystal Radio Receiver
|  | Clapp-Eastham Radio Loose Coupler | Clapp-Eastham Loose Coupler from the late teens.
|  | Coherer Radio Wireless Detector | Coherer Radio Wireless Detector
|  | Connecticut Telephone & Electric DT-3 Radio 1918 | Connecticut T & E DT-3 one tube radio detector box made for the US Signal Corps in 1918.
|  | Deforest BC14A Crystal Radio Receiver WWI | Deforest BC14A Crystal Radio Receiver WWI 1918
|  | Deforest P 200 Radio Amplifier | Deforest P 200 Two Tube Radio Amplifier. 1919
|  | Deforest RJ4 Spherical Audion Radio | Deforest RJ4 Spherical Audion Radio from 1914
|  | Deforest RJ4 Spherical Audion Tube Radio Repro WORKS | Deforest RJ4 Spherical Audion Tube Radio Repro WORKS
|  | DT-3 Vacuum Tube Detector for BC-14A & Other Radios | DT-3 Vacuum Tube Detector for BC-14A & Other Radios, Signal Corps US Army 1918
|  | Eaton Oscillator, Wireless Specialty for Radio | Eaton Oscillator, Wireless Specialty Radio Apparatus 1919
|  | EI Electro Importing Bulldog Radio Spark Coil | EI Electro Importing Bulldog Radio Spark Coil 1" and fixed condenser
|  | EI Electro Importing Crystal Radio Detector | EI Electro Importing Crystal Radio Detector
|  | EI Electro Importing Electrolytic Detector Radio | Electro Importing EI Electrolytic Detector Radio
|  | EI Electro Importing Interstate Outfit Crystal Radio | EI Electro Importing Co. Crystal Radio
|  | F. B. Chambers .084 Wireless Standard Radio | Chambers .084 Wireless Standard Time Set Radio from 1913. Uses one spherical audion.
|  | F. B. Chambers Long Wave Radio Loose Coupler | F. B. Chambers Long Wave Radio Loose Coupler
|  | Fleming Valve & Radioson RadioDetector | Fleming Valve & Radioson Radio Electrolytic Detector
|  | General Radio BC 14A Crystal Radio | The General Radio BC 14A Crystal Set was made in 1918.
|  | General Radio BC 15A Radio Transmitter | The General Radio BC 15A Transmitter was introduced in 1918.
|  | Harry Cox Very Large Induction Coil 1902 | Harry Cox Very Large Induction Coil 1902 Used for Wireless Transmissions or X-Ray
|  | Helix Coil for Spark Wireless Radio Transmitter | Helix Coil for Spark Wireless Radio Transmitter
|  | IP203 Triple Radio Crystal Detector by Wireless Specialty Apparatus | IP203 Triple Radio Crystal Detector by WSA or Wireless Specialty Apparatus
|  | JH Bunnell Jove Radio Loose Coupler | JH Bunnell, Jove loose coupler and detector.
|  | Kilbourne & Clark Radio Tone Tester, 1917 | Kilbourne & Clark Tone Tester Crystal Radio
|  | Kilbourne & Clark Type E & F Radio Receivers | Kilbourne & Clark Type E & F Radio Receivers
|  | L. E, Knott Apparatus 4" Induction Coil | L. E, Knott Apparatus 4" Induction Coil
|  | Lowenstein 2KW Radio Transmitter Loading Coil | Lowenstein 2KW Radio Transmitter Loading Coil
|  | Mark II Radio Transmitter | The Mark II Transmitter was made for the RAF.
|  | Mark III Radio Tuner WWI by MWT | Mark III Radio Tuner WWI by MWT
|  | Mark III Radio WWI Crystal Tuner by Robert Paul | Mark III Radio WWI Crystal Tuner by Robert Paul
|  | Massie Wireless Radio Coherer | Massie Wireless Radio Coherer
|  | Massie Wireless Resonaphone Radio Receiver | Massie Wireless Resonaphone Radio Receiver
|  | Mignon RC2 Radio Tuner from 1915 | Mignon RC2 Radio Tuner
|  | Mignon RLC3S Early Radio Tuner | Mignon RLC3S Early Radio Tuner
|  | Mignon RLC5 Early Radio Tuner | Mignon RLC5 Early Radio Tuner
|  | MxMichael Loosely Coupled Tuner Type MH/LC & 4 Valve Amplifier Type MH4RT | McMichael Loosely Coupled Tuner Type MH/LC & 4 Valve HF-LF Amplifier Type MH4RT
|  | Nesco CN-112 Radio WWI | The CN-112 was a submarine radio receiver in WWI.
|  | Paragon Adams-Morgan 2-5-U Radio Transmitter | An early commercial 10 watt phone and CW transmitter
|  | Radio Loose Coupler, small | Radio Loose Coupler for Crystal Receiver, small
|  | SE 1000 Radio Amplifier | SE 1000 two tube Amplifier
|  | SE 712A, International Signal IP500 Radio | SE 712A, International Signal IP500 Radio, 1917
|  | Signal Corps Type D Crystal Radio | This crystal set was manufactured in 1917 for the military.
|  | Sperry SE 1012 WWI Radio Receiver | Sperry SE 1012 WWI Radio Receiver
|  | Tubular Audiotron Radio Control Boxes | Tubular Audiotron Radio Control Boxes
|  | United Wireless Type E Radio Tuner | United Wireless Type E Tuner, 1911
|  | W T Forward WWI Wireless Radio Transmitter | W T Forward WWI Wireless Transmitter From England
|  | W.T. Wireless Spark Radio Transmitter W/T #1 | W.T. Wireless Spark Radio Transmitter W/T #1 from WWI, 1918
|  | Western Electric CW-926A Radio Amplifier, 1917 | Western Electric CW-926A radio amplifier, Part of the CW-936 Radio Telephone System
|  | Western Electric Radio & Telegraph Morse Register | Western Electric Italiana morse register
|  | Western Electric SCR-68 Five Tube Radio WWI | The Western Electric SCR 68 Radio from 1918
|  | Western Electric SCR-75 Radio Receiver | Western Electric SCR-75 Radio Aircraft Receiver
|  | William B Duck Tiny Radio Receiver Loose Coupler | William B Duck Tiny Radio Receiver Loose Coupler Sale Pending
|  | Wireless Specialty IP-76 (1P76) Radio Receiver from 1911 | Wireless Specialty IP-76 or More Accurately 1P-76 Radio Receiver
|  | Wireless Specialty IP-76 Radio Receiver 1912 Series | Wireless Specialty IP-76 Radio Receiver 1912 Series used by the U.S. Navy
|  | WSA IP501 Wireless Specialty 1919 Radio | WSA IP501 Wireless Specialty SE1420 early Navy Radio Receiver
|  | WWI British Army Complete Telegraph Station | WWI British Army Complete Telegraph Station
|  | WWI German Airplane Telefunken Radio & Flieg Amplifier from 1916 | WWI German Airplane Radio from 1916
|  |